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Dishwasher Bids

September 23, 2024

W-C will be accepting sealed bids for our used dishwasher. Still in good working condition. We will be accepting sealed bids from Monday September 23rd and will open bids on Monday September 30th at 9:00am. Send sealed bids to the following.

Justin Petersen

900 S. Franklin St.

Wilber, NE 68465

*We reserve the right to decline any offer that is not close to fair market value.

*Purchaser will be responsible for pickup and delivery of machine.


dw1 dw2 dw3

Veterans Day Information

October 31, 2023

Veterans Day

On behalf of the Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools, Louis-Milan Legion Post #101 and Auxiliary, we would like to invite you to the Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 10, 2023 at 9:30 AM in the high school gymnasium.


Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools would like to recognize the contributions that veterans have made to our country.  As part of the program, we want to give the Wilber Clatonia students the opportunity to honor a veteran or active duty member of the military. The recognized veteran may be a family member, living or deceased. If you know such a 

person that you have not already submitted, we would like you to submit their name using the form on the next page.  Students will have the opportunity to pick up a form as well in the office.  Completed forms are due to the HS office no later than Friday, November 3rd.  


If you are a veteran, or are currently in the service, we would welcome your attendance.  We are asking all veterans and those currently in the service who will be in attendance to contact us at 402-821-2508, so we can reserve a special seat on the floor.  Please feel free to wear your uniform to the program.


The Wilber-Clatonia Student Council will be hosting a reception for our guests at the conclusion of the program.  Coffee and dessert will be provided by our student council for veterans, current members of the military, and all guests.  Please join our student council members in the high school commons in appreciation of your service to our country.

Please copy and share this invitation with anyone in our communities as we recognize the contributions of our service people.



Honor a Veteran


Wilber-Clatonia “Honor a Veteran” Day
Friday, November 10, 2023 9:30 am

At 9:30 am on Friday, November 10, 2023, Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools will be
hosting a special Veterans Day program. Veterans Day is a national holiday
honoring all veterans.
As part of the program, we want to give the Wilber Clatonia students the
opportunity to honor a veteran or active duty member of the military. Your veteran
may be a family member, living or deceased. If you know such a person we would
like you to submit their name using the form below. IF YOU HAVE SUBMITTED
The names submitted by all students will be published on the program and
recognized during the ceremony on November 10, 2023.
Please return this form to school by Friday, November 3, 2023 so that these names
can be added to the program.

Students Name: _______________________________________________
Veteran 1
Name: ______________________________________________
Branch of Service: ____________________________________________
Years: ______________________________

Veteran 2
Name: ______________________________________________
Branch of Service: ____________________________________________
Years: ______________________________



Chromebook Insurance

August 22, 2023

Good morning, this is a friendly reminder that chromebook insurance ($35) will be accepted until Friday September 1. Any payments received after September 1 will not be accepted for the current school year. 


Individual Costs per item:
IPAD Pro: $800.00
Chromebook- $300.00
LCD Screen- $165.00
Batteries- $20.00
Charger Cords- $30.00
10. Insurance
Parents/students may pay $35.00 and be part of the School District Computer/IPAD Damage/Loss
Cooperative Fund. Belonging to the School District Cooperative coverage would cover 100% of expense
on the first incident and 75% of expense on the 2
nd incident. Three or more incidents, involving damages
to a laptop, will be the sole responsibility of the parent/student. Coverage for the School District
Protection Plan is 24/7. Parents will be given the option of Self Insurance, under their homeowner’s
insurance plan and not pay the $35.00.
● If students and parents decide not to join the Schools Computer/IPAD Damage/Loss
Cooperative Fund they will be required to show proof of insurance before the student is
allowed to take the computer home or out of the building.
● If electing to participate in the Wilber Clatonia Public Schools Damage/Loss Cooperative,
cost to participate is $35 per student. Checks made payable to “Wilber Clatonia Public
Schools”. An individual check must be made for this fee for each student. This fee is
applicable for one academic year.
● Homeowner’s insurance or the Damage Loss Cooperative will cover one machine per
student for any costs outside the manufacturer's warranty.
● Damage to equipment due to gross negligence or willful misconduct is not covered by
warranty, insurance, or the schools Damage/Loss Cooperative. If damage is attributed to
either of these causes, the student will be held responsible for all charges related to the
repair or replacement of equipment.
● Power adapter and/or any other school-owned accessories are not included. These items
require a full replacement cost with the exact same item.
***Governing Law: Nebraska statute 79-737 and 79-2, 127 allow the district to obtain
reimbursement from, or on behalf of, students for any damage to, loss of, or failure to return
school property. Student/borrower acknowledges and agrees that his/her use of the district property is a
privilege and that by student/borrower’s agreement to the terms hereof, student/borrower acknowledges
his/her responsibility to protect and safeguard the district property and to return the same in good
condition and repair upon request by Wilber Clatonia Public Schools.

April 14 Janet Schrick Presentation Opt-Out Form

March 17, 2023

Substance Abuse Speaker

Details & Opt-Out Form


Dear Parent or Guardian, 


On April 14th, Janet (Uher) Schrick will do two separate presentations for secondary students.  One presentation will be geared towards 6-8th graders and the other will be for 9-12th graders.  The presentation is titled “Rumble Strips” and refers to the driving reference of bumps on the side of the road that warn us to stay on track.  She will talk about the “warnings” in life that help keep us on track so that we can live a prosperous and successful life.  Janet is a 1991 Wilber-Clatonia graduate and will share part of her family story.  This story includes how her sister did not pay attention to the rumble strips in her life and how that ended in devastation for her family.  She will educate students about the devastating effects of alcohol and opioid addiction.   Janet has been speaking publicly about substance abuse and addiction to middle and high school students since 2018.  She has also been a teacher in the DeSoto and Olathe School districts in the Kansas City area for the last 11 years.  Earlier this year she had the chance to share her story at Crete and Dorchester.  Students, staff, and administration found the presentation impactful and administration reached out to other schools to encourage bringing Janet in.  Although Janet is a graduate of Wilber Clatonia, this will be the first time that she has shared her story here. 


Although this presentation is designed to help your child recognize “warnings” in life that help keep us safe and to talk about the devastation substance abuse and addiction can have on a family, you may opt-out your student from listening to the presentation through this form.  


If you have questions please feel free to reach out to Shannon Furstenau.




This presentation provides students with important information about the dangers they may face.  If you do not want your child to participate, then please have discussions with them at home about these topics.  Please contact your student’s school with any concerns before opting them out of the presentation.


Student’s Name __________________________________________________________   Grade _______


Reason for declining: ___________________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Printed Name ___________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________  Date ______________

Janet Schrick Presentation

March 17, 2023

April 14 - Schrick Presentation


April 14th - Janet Schrick presentations

On April 14th, Janet Schrick will do two separate presentations for secondary students.  One presentation will be geared towards 6-8th graders and the other will be for 9-12th graders.  The presentation is titled “Rumble Strips” and refers to the driving reference of bumps on the side of the road that warn us to stay on track.  She will talk about the “warnings” in life that help keep us on track so that we can live a prosperous and successful life.  Janet is a Wilber-Clatonia graduate and will share part of her family story and how her sister did not pay attention to the rumble strips in her life and how that ended in devastation for her family.  Also within the presentation she will educate students about the devastating effects of alcohol and opioid addiction.   Janet has been speaking publicly about substance abuse and addiction to middle and high school students since 2018.  This will be the first time that Janet has shared her story here at Wilber-Clatonia.  If you have any questions about the presentation or feel you would like to request your student not listen to the presentation, please complete the opt out form attached.

Bus Mechanical Issues

March 03, 2023

Good morning fellow Wolverines,

We wanted to make everyone aware who is riding the bus number #2 that there have been mechanical problems, and that it will be running later than normal. We apologize for the inconvenience this morning. If you have any questions, please call the activities department at your earliest convenience. #wcpawpride #wilberclatoniapublicschools


February 02, 2023



All ticketing will be CASH OR GOFAN! If you choose to use GoFan, please search for Lincoln Southeast High School. The drop down option should look like this:


Ticket Prices:


All Tournament Pass (you will be receive a ticket on Friday to bring back Saturday) Adults $14.00  Students $11.00

Friday Only: Adults $6.00 Students $5.00

Saturday Only: Adults $9.00 Students $7.00

Finals Only: Adults $6.00  Students $5.00



January 13, 2023

The Speech Meet scheduled for tomorrow in Ashland - Greenwood has been moved to a start time of 8:30 AM. Please show up at 6:45 AM to leave at 7AM.

Veterans Day

October 21, 2022

On behalf of the Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools, Louis-Milan Legion Post #101 and Auxiliary, we would like to invite you to the Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 9:30 AM in the high school gymnasium.


Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools would like to recognize the contributions that veterans have made to our country.  As part of the program, we want to give the Wilber Clatonia students the opportunity to honor a veteran or active duty member of the military. The recognized veteran may be a family member, living or deceased. If you know such a person, we would like you to submit their name using the form on the next page.  Students will have the opportunity to pick up a form as well in the office.  Completed forms are due to the HS office no later than Friday, November 4th.  If you are a veteran, or are currently in the service, we would welcome your attendance.  We are asking all veterans and those currently in the service who will be in attendance to contact us at 402-821-2508, so we can reserve a special seat on the floor.  Please feel free to wear your uniform to the program.


The Wilber-Clatonia Student Council will be hosting a reception for our guests at the conclusion of the program.  Coffee and cookies will be provided by our student council for veterans, current members of the military, and all guests.  Please join our student council members in the high school commons in appreciation of your service to our country.


Please copy and share this invitation with anyone in our communities as we recognize the contributions of our service people.


Shannon Furstenau, Principal




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