Good morning, this is a friendly reminder that chromebook insurance ($35) will be accepted until Friday September 1. Any payments received after September 1 will not be accepted for the current school year.
Individual Costs per item:
IPAD Pro: $800.00
Chromebook- $300.00
LCD Screen- $165.00
Batteries- $20.00
Charger Cords- $30.00
10. Insurance
Parents/students may pay $35.00 and be part of the School District Computer/IPAD Damage/Loss
Cooperative Fund. Belonging to the School District Cooperative coverage would cover 100% of expense
on the first incident and 75% of expense on the 2
nd incident. Three or more incidents, involving damages
to a laptop, will be the sole responsibility of the parent/student. Coverage for the School District
Protection Plan is 24/7. Parents will be given the option of Self Insurance, under their homeowner’s
insurance plan and not pay the $35.00.
● If students and parents decide not to join the Schools Computer/IPAD Damage/Loss
Cooperative Fund they will be required to show proof of insurance before the student is
allowed to take the computer home or out of the building.
● If electing to participate in the Wilber Clatonia Public Schools Damage/Loss Cooperative,
cost to participate is $35 per student. Checks made payable to “Wilber Clatonia Public
Schools”. An individual check must be made for this fee for each student. This fee is
applicable for one academic year.
● Homeowner’s insurance or the Damage Loss Cooperative will cover one machine per
student for any costs outside the manufacturer's warranty.
● Damage to equipment due to gross negligence or willful misconduct is not covered by
warranty, insurance, or the schools Damage/Loss Cooperative. If damage is attributed to
either of these causes, the student will be held responsible for all charges related to the
repair or replacement of equipment.
● Power adapter and/or any other school-owned accessories are not included. These items
require a full replacement cost with the exact same item.
***Governing Law: Nebraska statute 79-737 and 79-2, 127 allow the district to obtain
reimbursement from, or on behalf of, students for any damage to, loss of, or failure to return
school property. Student/borrower acknowledges and agrees that his/her use of the district property is a
privilege and that by student/borrower’s agreement to the terms hereof, student/borrower acknowledges
his/her responsibility to protect and safeguard the district property and to return the same in good
condition and repair upon request by Wilber Clatonia Public Schools.